Sustainable approach
declaration 2023
An important step towards development. What is ESG?
The abbreviation ESG refers to three key areas from the point of view of responsible business - E-environmental, S- social responsibility, G- corporate governance. Our company's environmental, social and governance performance demonstrates our maturity in terms of sustainability. We are ready and want to contribute to the implementation of the global UN Sustainable Development Goals, which is why we implement the ESG strategy in our group.
Erbud named Climate Leader
We received the first place in the Ranking of Climate Leaders published in the Forbes magazine. The ranking shows who achieved the greatest dynamics in reducing the carbon footprint.
And much more …
ReadEMAS certificate
We are the first Polish construction company to receive EMAS, i.e. the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme. This is the industry's most important environmental certification, an Oscar in the field of ecology!
Each institution and enterprise that will be included in this elite group raises its prestige and can count on many benefits. Currently, there are about 3,200 entities in the EU EMAS register. We found ourselves in a truly distinguished group!
And that's not all …
FIND OUT MOREIf I were to choose the building that gave me the greatest satisfaction, it would be a zero-emission waste incineration plant. In Konin. The first such facility in Poland. I am really proud of it.
Dariusz Grzeszczak, "If we want to breathe clean air, there is only one way", Gazeta Wyborcza, March 29, 2021
Big changes start with small steps!
Our employees bring to the organization not only their sensitivity to the world around us, but also real deeds. Activities for the benefit of the local community are both a duty and a pleasure for us. Teams from our branches all over Poland are involved in pro-ecological campaigns; they plant flower beds, install bird boxes near the investments in progress, build insect hotels, put up hives and take care of the education and entertainment of the youngest neighbors - students of local schools and kindergartens.
And a lot more...
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Warszawa ...
Green Buildings
We build in a sustainable, ecological, economical way, respecting the natural environment of which we are a part. We introduce green solutions and environmental certification of buildings (Leed and BREEAM). We focus on energy efficiency, we make sure that our approach to the design, construction and operation of a building is in balance between environmental, economic and social factors.
Carbon footprint, "cradle to cradle" philosophy, the word of the year in the world probably two years ago was "single used". Today, even a clothing chain sewing in Bangladesh has a separate line made of organic cotton and "fair trade" certificates. The world is changing, and construction is an important element of this world.
Dariusz Grzeszczak, interview for
Our activities involve direct and indirect impact on the natural environment. We regularly identify and evaluate all these aspects, set objectives for ourselves and implement them as part of the "Environmental Programs".
Environmental aspects
Objectives and tasks
Energetic efficiency
Waste management
Air emissions
More data...
According to our policy, each person in the structure of our organization, in accordance with the hierarchy, is co-responsible for environmental matters. This structure was designed to ensure efficient and effective use of the knowledge and experience of each employee - while ensuring a clear division of tasks, competences and responsibilities. The environmental management system is based on the PDCA cycle, i.e. a continuous improvement model including the following stages: planning, execution, checking and action.
environmental reviews
systematic employee training
identification of potential opportunities and risks for the environment
And a lot more...
readWe earn money, but - and here I apologize for my pathos, but at my age it is really more important to me - we contribute to the fact that next generations can breathe fresh air. By handing over to the investor each new ready-made wind farm, I am proud that we have our share in it.
Dariusz Grzeszczak, "How to build ecologically?",
Inn:Poland, March 2021 r.