Reconstruction, superstructure and extension of the Podkarpackie Centre for Lung Diseases in Rzeszów (works under stage II and III)

Reconstruction, superstructure and extension of the Podkarpackie Centre for Lung Diseases in Rzeszów (works under stage II and III)
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Reconstruction, superstructure and extension of the Podkarpackie Centre for Lung Diseases in Rzeszów (works under stage II and III)
Kliniczny Szpital Wojewódzki nr 1 im. Fryderyka Chopina w Rzeszowie
Date of implementation:
12.2022 - 11.2023
Volume m3:
14 932

Works scope

Execution of construction and installation works for theStage II and Stage III of the Investment named: Reconstruction, superstructure and extension of the Podkarpackie Centre for Lung Diseases in Rzeszów. Stage II comprises, among other things, demolition of the existing building B and room for ambulances, and construction in its place of a new 5-storey building of new dimensions. Phase II includes, among other things, the refurbishment of premisses in building "A" and the existing sewage treatment plant.

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